We all encounter different energies throughout our day, whether it’s from friends, family, co-workers, or even strangers. Every interaction leaves a kind of imprint, and sometimes, we unknowingly absorb energy that doesn’t belong to us. This can be both positive and negative energy, but when we hold on to someone else’s emotions, thoughts, or vibrations for too long, it can start to affect our own well-being. Let’s explore why it’s important to clear and cleanse these energies, how holding onto them can weigh you down, and a few helpful ways to release them.
The Impact of Holding On to Other People’s Energy
Energy is contagious. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly interacting with the people around us on an energetic level. Think about a time when you’ve been in a conversation with someone who was upset or anxious. You may have walked away from that conversation feeling drained or a bit unsettled. That’s because we tend to absorb the emotional energy of others, even when we don’t intend to.
When we absorb someone else’s energy, especially negative or heavy energy, it can linger in our field and impact our thoughts, moods, and even physical health. You may notice yourself feeling tired, overwhelmed, or mentally foggy, even though the cause is external. Holding onto this energy can create a sense of imbalance and prevent you from fully living in your own space. This energy can cloud your judgment, make it harder to focus, and drain your enthusiasm for life. It’s like carrying around an invisible weight, making your day-to-day activities feel more exhausting and difficult than they need to be.
Why It’s Important to Clear Other People’s Energy
Protect Your Mental and Emotional Health When you hold on to someone else’s emotional baggage, you allow it to take up mental space that you could be using for your own growth and peace of mind. By clearing this energy, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to prioritize your own well-being and emotions.
Create Healthy Boundaries Letting go of other people’s energy allows you to set healthy boundaries. You can be there for others, listen to their problems, and offer support, but it’s vital to release their energy after the interaction. This helps maintain a sense of personal space and prevents you from becoming too entangled in other people’s issues.
Increase Your Vitality and Clarity By regularly clearing your space of foreign energies, you can regain your clarity and energy. You’ll feel more centred, grounded, and vibrant, ready to take on your own challenges without the added weight of someone else’s emotions.
Helpful Ways to Clear Energy
Practice Grounding Techniques Grounding is one of the most effective ways to clear and release energy. You can do this by simply connecting with nature—walking barefoot on the earth, sitting by a body of water, or standing with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Close your eyes and imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth, drawing up fresh, cleansing energy while releasing any negative or foreign energy down into the ground.
Smudging with Sage or Palo Santo Smudging is an ancient practice that uses the smoke from sacred herbs, like white sage or palo-santo, to cleanse spaces and energies. Lighting a sage bundle or palo-santo stick and allowing the smoke to flow through your space can help clear stagnant or negative energy. You can also smudge yourself by gently wafting the smoke around your body, focusing on areas where you feel heavy or blocked.
Visualization Visualization is a powerful tool for clearing energy. Take a few moments to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine a bright, cleansing light surrounding you. Visualize this light moving through your body, dissolving any energy that isn’t yours, and leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. You can also imagine yourself holding an energetic shield that protects you from absorbing other people’s energy.
Take a Salt Bath or Shower Salt has natural purifying properties, and soaking in a salt bath is an excellent way to clear any lingering negative energy. Simply add Epsom salts or sea salt to a warm bath and relax for 20–30 minutes. You can also place salt around the corners of your home to absorb and neutralize any unwanted energy. Or use your end of day shower as a way to cleanse and as you wash your body ask for any energy that does not belong to you to be removed.
Sound Healing Sound vibrations can be incredibly effective at clearing energy. Use a singing bowl, chimes, or even just your voice (like chanting or humming) to create vibrations that disrupt and clear stagnant or unwanted energy. You can walk around your space, allowing the sound to permeate the room and shift the energy.
Declutter Your Physical Space Sometimes, the energy in your environment can feel heavy because your physical space is cluttered. Taking the time to declutter and organize your home, workspace, or any area you spend time in can help release stagnant energy. A tidy environment invites fresh, positive energy to flow freely.
Energy is constantly flowing in and around us, and when we hold on to someone else’s emotional or mental energy, it can feel like an invisible weight. Cleansing and clearing this energy isn’t just about tidying up your physical space—it’s about protecting your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By adopting simple practices like grounding, smudging, and visualization, you can create a space where only your own energy thrives, allowing you to move through your days with clarity, peace, and vitality.
Remember, your energy is your own. By clearing away the imprints of others, you create the room needed to live fully, authentically, and with the positive energy you deserve.